WebTree crashes on PagePostback

4 replies. Last post: November 24, 2009 1:33 AM by Yudi
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We are facing some problem while implementing WebTreeView.
The treeView is declared as
<tr class="AltRow1"> <td colspan="2"> <ISWebTreeView:WebTreeView ShowCheckBoxes="Root" ID="wtreeWorkflow" XmlCompressionEnabled="true" BorderWidth="0" BorderStyle="None" runat="server" ExpandedDepth="0"> <Nodes> </Nodes> <FrameStyle OverflowY="Scroll" ></FrameStyle> </ISWebTreeView:WebTreeView> </td> </tr>

and we are using SQL database to fetch data to be bound to the treeView.

We have a button on the page, which checks for selected elements on the tree.

After some postbacks of page, due to botton click, we get a error message "Root Elemnt not found." A screenshot is attached for details.

When the error occurs, the page creashed before reaching the Click event handler of the button.

1 attachment
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