Webscheduler conditional display

1 reply. Last post: July 8, 2011 6:52 AM by Handy Surya
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Frank GaryMember

Gentlemen, I have two issues:

1). Is there a way to apply conditional record display on the webscheduler? For example, I am using statuses, (i.e Reserved, Complete, Cancel). If the record is on reserved or complete status I want it to show on the webscheduler, if the record status is cancel, I need to keep the record in the table but do not want it to display on the webscheduler. Is there a way somewhere to display records conditionally? I think the "mode" function may do this but not sure how. I even added a bit field in the events table "DisplayOnWebscheduler" to see if there is a select command somewhere in the events table adpater I could just add "where displayonwebscheduler = 'True'

2). Is it not possble to set the timeline viewable display hours to midnight? I have start at 0700 and end at 2400 but I get an error that the end time cannot be before the start time?

Please advise and thank you!

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