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I would like to bind the webschedule events right from my own dataTable and or Webgrid. I cant find the datasource. Please help.
According to your code and scenario, it is similat to unbound mode. You can create unbound data from the Resource, but not from Event.
At the moment, unbound scenario is not supported yet by WebScheduler.
Hope this helps.
Thank you.
WebScheduler can only bind data from ISDataSource only. It doesn't support to bind data from any datasource controls such as datatable.
However, we have noted this scenario as a Feature Request for the next version of WebScheduler.
WebSchedulerResource res = WebScheduler1.Resources.CreateNewItem();WebSchedulerEventBase ent = res.Events.CreateNewItem(); ent.Subject = dt.Rows[0][dt.Columns[2].ColumnName].ToString(); ent.Description = dt.Rows[0][dt.Columns[2].ColumnName].ToString(); ent.StartTime = Convert.ToDateTime(dt.Rows[0][dt.Columns[0].ColumnName].ToString()); ent.EndTime = Convert.ToDateTime(dt.Rows[0][dt.Columns[0].ColumnName].ToString()); ent.Name = dt.Rows[0][dt.Columns[2].ColumnName].ToString().ToString(); ent.CategoryID = "-1"; ent.AllDayEvent = true; res.Name = ent.EndTime.ToString(); res.ResourceName = ent.EndTime.ToString(); WebScheduler1.Resources.Add(res);
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