Bug in Switch View From Day to Week with FirstDayOfWeek is Saturday

6 replies. Last post: May 27, 2010 3:09 PM by Yudi
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Huy Member

Hi Intersoft,

I found this problem in WebSchedule 3.0.1000.2. It happens when we set FirstDayOfWeek to Saturday.

(<CalendarSettings FirstDayOfWeek="Saturday" />).

Follow this step and the event disappear :
1. Click on Week to see event in Week View mode. (See attach pic1.jpg)
2. Click on Sunday button to go to Day View (Sunday day). (See attach pic2.jpg)
3. Click on Week to change back to Week View mode. (See attach pic3.jpg)
4. All event in this Week disappear.
- I used DefaultStyle_Blue.aspx page in your WebScheduler Sample to demonstrate this bug.
- It only happen when click on Sunday, other day worked fine.

Pls help me work around this problem and fix this bug asap.

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