WebInput misses a key stroke when using - sign

11 replies. Last post: January 12, 2014 10:38 PM by Handy Surya
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roi ukashiMember

I'm using the following code for using a WebInput control as a decimal format input:

<ISWebInput:WebInput ID="txtOpenningBalance" Width="80px" runat="server"                                                MaxLength="10" NumericInput="false" DecimalSeparator=".">                                                                                                            <DisplayFormat Format="#,##0.##" IsEnabled="True" Type="Number"></DisplayFormat>                                                <EditFormat Type="DynamicNumber"></EditFormat>                                               </ClientSideEvents>

 I'm facing an issue of a missing key stroke after inserting a minus sign (-) at the begining of the input.

For instance, this is the input key strokes order:

- [added on first key stroke]

1 [skips - must re-enter the digit]

2 [added]

So, basically, the user sees the following input: -2

Please advise.

P.S - Is there a way to set the input direction of the WebInput control - RTL/LTR?

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