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After updating to R2 with the latest hotfixes I am experiencing a problem with the Webinput control. If I populate the value from codebehind using the Webflypostbackmanager I recieve a Javascript error (please see the attached image) and the value is not updated.
I have setup the component the following way:
<ISWebInput:WebInput ID="wiCommentDate" runat="server" Style="position: relative" TabIndex="45" Width="100%"> <HighLight IsEnabled="True" /> <DisplayFormat IsEnabled="true" Format="yyyy-MMM-dd"> <ErrorWindowInfo IsEnabled="True"> </ErrorWindowInfo> </DisplayFormat> <DateTimeEditor IsEnabled="True" SkipNavigateHoliday="false"> </DateTimeEditor> <ClientSideEvents OnAfterValueChanged="data_changed"> </ClientSideEvents> </ISWebInput:WebInput>
Webflypostbackmanager is setup the following way:
<ISWebDesktop:WebFlyPostBackManager ID="WebFly" runat="server" ServiceUrl="frmDebitorDetailIncome.aspx" AutoEventWireup="true" ShowLoaderOnBusy="True" FlyPostBackSettings-PostInputControls="True" FlyPostBackSettings-PostControlState="True" FlyPostBackSettings-PostViewState="True" FlyPostBackSettings-PostHiddenFields="True" ViewStateItems="Behavior" WebServiceResponseFormat="Json"> <LoaderTemplate> <div style="font-family: 'Segoe UI'; font-size: x-small;"> <img src="../Layout/Images/is_progress-16.gif" align="absmiddle" /> Vent venligst...</div> </LoaderTemplate> </ISWebDesktop:WebFlyPostBackManager>
I update the component from codebehind by first setting the value and then using the following statements:
Me.wiCommentDate.CultureInfo.CultureInfo = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCultureMe.wiCommentDate.RequiresUIRefresh = TrueMe.WebFly.ClientAction.UpdateViewState()Me.WebFly.ClientAction.RefreshModifiedControls()
This worked fine in R1, so hopefully there is a way to getting it working again.
Best Regards,
Hi Christian Luckow,
Deeply sorry for the late response to the Work Item. Your issue has been fixed by our Developer team. You can download the latest hotfix in here. Notice that this is still a nightly built, any feedback regarding this built will be highlt appreciated.
Please let me know if you have any further questions. Thank you and have a nice day.
Andi Santoso
Hi Cristian,
Could you provide me with more detail regarding your scenario please ? Perhaps, a simple sample would be much help for me to investigate your issue.
Does you scenario is trying to get the value of an edited WebInput using a ASP.Net standard button to get the value in server side using FlyPostBack Manager? Please correct me if this not your scenario.
Thank you and have a nice day.
Hi Andi,
I have a rather large application with extensive use of the WebDesktop component. From the WebDesktop I open a new window by double clicking on an icon. The file that opens in the window only includes a WebPaneManager with two frames, both of which uses iFrames.
The top frame includes a save button which triggers a javascript function in the bottom frame. The javascript function in the bottom frame calls a Webflypostbackmanager function, which is what I listed above:
function data_save() { var fpb = ISGetObject('WebFly'); var FinanceContractId = parseInt(Request.QueryString('FinanceContractId')); fpb.Save(FinanceContractId); }
Let me know if you need additional information.
Hi Christian,
Thank you for your detail informations. I am able to replicate the issue and has forwarded this to our Developer Team. I will let you know as soon as I get news from our Developer team. Thank you and have a nice day.
Hi Andy, is there any news regarding this issue and when it might be resolved?
Fogive me, however, this issue is still under investigation. This delay is occured becuase we were having a busy time preparing the new WebUIStudio 2010. But, I have followed up regarding this issue with a high priority.
I hope it helps. Thank you and have a nice day.
While I understand the need to keep the Intersoft portfolio interesting to attract new customers, I must say that the lack of focus on existing products is an ongoing concern and the single biggest issue I have with Intersoft. I think your team is full of good ideas and deliver some exciting components, but all of that means nothing when you keep breaking existing functionality and fail to further enhance existing components.
I realise that this is a very generic comment and that for instance your WebGrid has come a long way, but what you have to remember is that when your component breaks, your customers applications break as well... and as your customers can't fix errors in your components you really have to prioritise the quality so that you don't leave us hanging. I can't do anything for my client until you fix this error, but as my client purchased my application and not your component, the blame stops with me... and once again I have to consider if relying on Intersoft is a sustainable business model.
Still busy with 2010 I guess?
Thanks Andi, the update seems to have fixed the problem. I have not noticed any side-effects of the update, so I am very happy with it so far.
Best Regards,Christian Luckow
Unfortunately I have found another error in using the webinput component. With the hotfix version, when I enter 0 in a field with Currency formatting, it displays as ,00 instead of 0,00. The value of the component at that stage is Nothing instead of 0.
I use sv-SE as my regional setting (set through web.config), and my components have the following displayformat:
<DisplayFormat Format="c" IsEnabled="True" Type="Number"> <ErrorWindowInfo IsEnabled="True"> </ErrorWindowInfo> <ErrorWindowStyle ForeColor="Red"> </ErrorWindowStyle> </DisplayFormat>
I hope for a speedy solution to this issue.
Best Regards
Christian Luckow
My test also replicate the issue you are reporting. It seems the issue is caused by a bug and a bug report has been logged for this issue.
Hi Glenn, is there any news regarding a solution to this issue?
Sorry for not updating the status, based on the bug report the issue has been fixed. Further testing using the released WebInput build on the WebUI Studio 2010 R1 has confirmed that the issue has been fixed.
Thank you for the information, but unfortunately this does not help the situation as I have decided not to renew my subscription for the time being.
This decision is mainly due to the extraordinary waste of time incurred by the substandard recent releases, so I would expect the bugfix to be available to existing users without having to pay an additional fee for the component to accept 0 as input value?
In 2010 R1 WebInput does not recieve a major version update, so your WebInput license will still be valid for the WebInput 2010 R1 build. You will need to retrieve this new build from the 2010 R1 installation folder since the update server has not been updated with the latest build.
If you would like to wait, the build will be available in the Update Manager in later time.
I took your advice and downloaded the 2010 R1 build. 600MB+ download for a 1MB component only to find yet another error. Webinput no longer handles decimal correctly when set to Swedish currency. If you enter 11,11 this is displayed as 1111,00
How many iterations must we go through to get the simplest of functionality working?? What good is it for you to launch new components all the time when your existing components suffer from lack of quality and attention to detail, rendering them useless in a production environment?
We are very sorry for the issue, I have re-open the bug report from earlier issue. The fix should be available on next hotfix release.
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