use of integrated dropdropdown menu web grid

1 reply. Last post: November 3, 2009 11:27 PM by Handy Surya
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Chetan PawarMember

Hello Support Team,

I am evaluating web grid for create dynamic columns. Some of columns will use to populate data in drop down list type.

I have tried with webcombo, and it was failed because each drop down column required separate webcombo.

Is there any integrated drop down box column type present with web grid?

And if yes how can one bind multiple text and values to this columns value list.

Do i need row level data adding for each column? It is better that all data in drop down column come once before page gets load.

I had found that edit record cell has drop down list type feature. But not getting how to bind multiple value list data for column at run time.

Please provide help on above queries.

Thank you in advance.

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