loading image in webgrid

1 reply. Last post: January 13, 2011 11:54 PM by Yudi
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I am using Webgrid (2009 R2).

Here in my webgrid, i am using one column as button. The code is as below


<ISWebGrid:WebGrid ID="WebGrid2" Visible="False" runat="server" Height="530px" UseDefaultStyle="True"
                        Width="770px" OnInitializeLayout="WebGrid1_InitializeLayout" oninitializedatasource="WebGrid1_InitializeDataSource"  DefaultStyleMode="Win7" onbuttonclick="WebGrid1_ButtonClick">
                                <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn ButtonAutoPostback="True" ButtonImage="Images/select.png"
                                    ButtonText="Select" Caption="Select" ColumnType="ButtonImage" DataMember="CUST_CODE"
                                    EditInfoImage="images/login1.png" EditType="NoEdit" Name="WebGridColumn7" Width="60px">
                        <LayoutSettings AllowColumnMove="Yes" AllowExport="Default" AllowFilter="Yes" AllowGrouping="Yes"
                            AllowMultipleSelection="Default" AllowSelectColumns="Yes" AllowSorting="Yes" AutoFitColumns="True" PagingSize="10" AlwaysShowHelpButton="False" StatusBarVisible="False" GroupByBoxVisible="True">
                           <ButtonStyle BackColor="Transparent" Width="200px" BorderWidth="0px">


When i click on the button, i am doing something lengthy operation in the backend. Here i want to use "loading" indication on the page, when some one click the button.


I tried th use Ajax updateprogress and ajax upadepanel to implement the loading effect by putting grid inside the updatepanel. But it is not working.


Is there any way to do it in your webgrid control



thanks and regards



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