dynamically change webgrid CellTemplate hyperlink image

1 reply. Last post: December 23, 2012 11:05 PM by Bernard Xiang
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I have a HyperLink in CellTemplate Column in Webgrid. I need to change the Image (navigateurl image) dynamically on InitializeRow event based on some condition. I tried changing the background image, but it didn't help. Please let me know the soultion for this.

Below is the code


<ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="Error File" ColumnType="Template" Width="50px" Name="error">


<asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink1" runat="server" Target="_self" ImageUrl="~/Images/excel_icon.gif"

NavigateUrl='<%# String.Format("/ShowExcelFile.aspx?ID=CONV&File=E&Key={0}&logkey={1}",DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "aum_yardi_conv_key"),DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "aum_yardi_con_log_key")) %>'/>


<HeaderStyle CssClass="gridHeadingNumberField" />

<CellStyle CssClass="gridContentTextField" HorizontalAlign="Center"/>

<FooterStyle CssClass="gridContentNumberField" />



In Initialize Event


 if (e.Row.Type == RowType.Record)


            WebGridCellCollection cells = e.Row.Cells;

            DataRowView drView = (DataRowView)e.Row.DataRow;

            int varError = Utility.GetIntegerValue(drView["error_file_length"]);

            if (varError == 0)


                e.Row.Cells[3].TooltipText = noDataMsg + drView["post_date"].ToString();

                e.Row.Cells[3].GetTemplateContainer().BackImageUrl = "<img src='../../../Images/None.gif'/>";




                e.Row.Cells[3].TooltipText = "View Error File";



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