Webgrid 7 without pagination Horizontal Scrollbar always displayed

6 replies. Last post: November 10, 2010 9:08 PM by Glenn Layaar
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I'm trying to remove the horizontal scrollbar (see attached picture).


Like you can see, event with a small width there is an horizontal scrollbar.


Do you know how can I remove it ? I did check your samples trying to compare the different properties, but I didn't see any differences. I'm using IE7


Here is the code I use to build my webgrid :


<ISWebGrid:WebGrid ID="wgPendingQueryListMaster" Height="300px" runat="server" DataSourceID="idsPendingQueryList"
                            UseDefaultStyle="True" Width="100%">
                            <RootTable DataKeyField="InstanceId">
                                    <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="<%$ Resources:Resources, grdDescription %>"
                                        DataMember="Description" Name="Description" Width="75px">
                                    <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="<%$ Resources:Resources, grdStartDate %>"
                                        DataMember="CreationDate" Name="CreationDate" Width="75px">
                                    <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="<%$ Resources:Resources, grdStatus %>"
                                        Name="Status" DataMember="Status" HiddenDataMember="Status" ColumnType="Image" Width="75px">
                            <LayoutSettings  AllowDelete="Yes">
                                <ClientSideEvents OnCellDblClick="PendingQueryListMaster_OnCellDblClick" 
                                    OnRowContextMenu="PendingQueryListMaster_OnRowContextMenu" />

Many Thanks.


Best Regards,


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