Webgrid 10, Win 7, IE 11 header alignment issue

3 replies. Last post: March 13, 2017 4:45 AM by Yudi
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Csaba KeriMember

Dear All,

I detected an issue with the grid alignment on Windows 7 with Internet Explorer. The width of the columns is different in the header and in the table body of the grid.

I used ColumnFilterWithWebValueList.aspx from the samples. I enabled sorting, ordering, deleting:

<RootTable Caption="Order Details" DataMember="Products" AllowAddNew="Yes" AllowEdit="Yes" DataKeyField="ProductID" AllowSorting="Yes" AllowFilter="Yes" AllowColumnMove="Yes" AllowColumnSizing="Yes" AllowDelete="Yes">

 and didn't change anything else.

You can reproduce the issue with the following steps:

     1. Enable ordering and filtering in a grid which has at least four columns, say A,B,C,D

     2. Resize a column B so that it is shorter than its contents

     3. Sort the grid by column A

     4. To auto fit column B, double click on the separator between columns B and C so that the mouse pointer (pointer will be like this: <----->)  is a little bit in column C : 
          Col B | Col C

Another thing to add: I see this issue sometimes, when I open a grid and don't touch the IE for an hour. When I come back (from a meeting, etc.), I see the same alignment issue with the grid.

I have found some explanations here in other threads that changing to IE8 compatible mode (Response.AddHeader("X-UA-Compatible", "IE=EmulateIE8"); ) could solve the problem, but this is not an option for us, because we use some other things (our development)  which are not compatible with this setting.

Could you please investigate this?

Thanks in advance,

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