WebTreeView resize problem in FireFox

6 replies. Last post: September 18, 2012 10:05 PM by Hans Kristian
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Im using the latest release of WebTreeview from WebUI Studio 2009. (dlls from 23d Nov. 2011). I put the TreeView on a WebPane in a WebPaneManager. I set the treeview with and height properties to "100%". Both in IE and Chrome this works fine. But in Firefox (version 15.0.1) the treeview does not resize verticaly with the WebPane when the pane is resized either manualy (using the WebPaneManager Sliders) or when the browser window is resized resulting in a pane resize. Below is the code from my aspx file. Is there any solution to this?

        <ISWebDesktop:WebPaneManager ID="c_wpmPaneManager" runat="server" Height="100%" Width="100%" EnableTheming="true">
            <RootGroupPane GroupType="VerticalTile" Name="rootGroupPane">
                    <ISWebDesktop:WebGroupPane Name="groupPaneLeft"  WidthValue="20%" Width="Custom">
                            <ISWebDesktop:WebPane HeaderVisible="Yes" AllowCollapse="No" Name="paneTree" HeightValue="70%" Height="Custom" CaptionDisplayMode="UseTemplate" HeaderAppearance="UseSubStyle" ContentScrollable="false">
                                    <asp:Image ID="Image3" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/Images/Icons/Tree.ico" /> System Tree
                                    <ISWebTreeView:WebTreeView ID="c_treeView" runat="server" EnableManagedTheming="false"  Width="100%" Height="100%"  EnableLoadOnDemand="true" OnInitializeChildNodes="TreeView_OnInitializeChildNodes">
                                        <ClientSideEvents OnNodeSelect="c_treeView_OnNodeSelect" />
                                        <FrameStyle BorderColor="White" />
                                        <NodeSettings EnableAnimation="True" />


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