WebGrid performance with large data source

4 replies. Last post: November 2, 2010 7:13 AM by Yudi
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Eric Member

We are using .NET Framework 2.0 with AJAX extensions (AjaxControlToolkit v1.0.10606.0, AJAXExtensionsToolbox v1.0.61025.0), Intersoft framework 3.0.5000.705, WebGrid 6.0.7200.220 and all clients have IE6. My PC is a dual-processor, 3GB RAM, Intel 1.66GHz T2300 Dell Notebook.

Attached you find the sample we worked out in another thread, actually just a simple load-on-demand grid with a simple hierarchical structure (about ten folders) containing a few data rows. One folder contains a little more data. I've set it to 3500 rows, which shouldn't be exagerated. This matches our requirements.

When running the sample, it takes about 27 minutes just to open the folder. During this time IE6 is at 100% CPU running JavaScript. This is inacceptable long. For big data sets about 10-20 seconds could maybe be acceptable.

Just as a test, I tried the sample with Firefox 3.6.3. The folder opens in 50 seconds there. That's also very slow, but still much faster. In contrary to IE, in Firefox after opening the folder the scrolling mechanism is so slow that it's unusable. In IE it takes a long time at the beginning, but afterwards scrolling works fine. In this Firefox test, during these 50 seconds I received a message that there was a long-running script, asking me to cancel. I pressed Continue. Firefox was just a test - our users all have IE6 and might upgrade to IE8 at some time in the future.

I'd like to mention that there is no database delay included, as all data rows are generated hardcoded (randomized in a loop). For real-world applications you have to add database access times also.

What is the problem? I know that IE6 is slow in JavaScript handling. But this is not a big amount of data. I also tried to enable paging view, but it seems not to work with this type of grid. Is 3500 rows just too much for a web page?

In short, can you tell me:

  • Isn't IE6 a supported browser of WebGrid 6?
  • Are 3500 rows just too much for a web application / for WebGrid?
  • Is there any big difference with a newer WebGrid version? If yes, what times do you get there with IE6 client?

Please also consult your sales department before answering. Thanks.

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