WebGrid 7 ColumnSet Error object reference not set to an instance of an object

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I'm trying to define a column set with the webgrid.Net Designer.

As soon as I click "apply", the designer doesn't show anymore my webgrid control and display an error message "Error Rendering Control" - an unhandled exception has occured

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

 I'm just trying to add :

<ColumnSetSettings GridLineColor="DarkGray" GridLines="Both"  ShowHeaders="Yes" />
                                  <ISWebGrid:WebGridColumnSet Caption="test" Name="csEmpty" Width="300px">
                                        <ISWebGrid:WebGridRowLayout ColumnMember="ProductId" Width="150" />
                                    <HeaderStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" />


A run-time error also occurs...

Do you have any idea ?

I thank you in advance,



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