Virtual Load Mode for LargeData

22 replies. Last post: February 23, 2012 2:09 AM by Handy Surya
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Arun IyerMember


We have big performance issue with grid having more than 70k  rows.

We are using PagingMode="VirtualLoad" .I read from the grid help file that we can improve the performance my using either VirtaulLoadMode ="custom"   or "LargeData".

I will first ask few question on "LargerData"


I tried this in a grid with 80k rows ,it loaded quickly.If I apply filter,sort ,is the filter and sort applied only to the initial loaded records(50) or to to full 80krows?Also I noticed the InitializeDataSource event is triggered each time when it tries to load the records and the Stored proecdure is executed each time.Is this the default behaviour or any solution for this?

I read in your site that the grid 'export' will export only the loaded records.Can i put the code to change the VirtualLoadMode="default" and rebinddatasource in the 'Export' event of the grid?

Another issue is grid performace is very low in a grid(10k rows) having selfreference with Load on demand when using VirtualLoadMode="LargeData"?Any solution to improve selefreference grid performace for 'largedata'?

Question on 'Custom'


I read about 'custom'.The problem is I am not using ISDataSource to bind the grid.So how will I use

SelectCount ,Select Method to retrive the records ?

I bind the grid in the InitilizeDatasource event using e.DataSource =mytable.










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