Vertical scrollbar makes grid content inaccessible

5 replies. Last post: May 26, 2010 11:50 PM by Glenn Layaar
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I found an issue where the vertical scrollbar is showing up for no reason (the height should be calculated with the rowcount/pagingsize). This is making the grid content inaccessible. We have a grid with X width and several columns defined that go over that X... thus, requiring horizontal scrolling. 

My problem is... once I start adding records to the grid, the vertical scrollbar shows up and you can't get to the grid content (see attached file).

See this definition

<ISNet:WebGrid ID="wgScroll" runat="server" OnInitializeDataSource="InitScroll" Width="500px" UseDefaultStyle="true" DefaultStyleMode="Win7">
            <ISNet:WebGridColumn Name="Test1" DataMember="Value" Width="100px" />
            <ISNet:WebGridColumn Name="Test1" DataMember="Value" Width="100px" />
            <ISNet:WebGridColumn Name="Test1" DataMember="Value" Width="100px" />
            <ISNet:WebGridColumn Name="Test1" DataMember="Value" Width="100px" />
            <ISNet:WebGridColumn Name="Test1" DataMember="Value" Width="100px" />
            <ISNet:WebGridColumn Name="Test1" DataMember="Value" Width="100px" />
            <ISNet:WebGridColumn Name="Test1" DataMember="Value" Width="100px" />


And populate that grid with a single entry... something like:

protected void InitScroll(object sender, ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.DataSourceEventArgs e)
            e.DataSource = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>()
                new KeyValuePair<string, string>("Test", "Test")                

 I'm using IE7 with Webgrid 7.0.7200.401. How do I fix this? Can I just force it to remove the scrollbar? Will that make grid calculate the correct height?



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