Unlicensed version

1 reply. Last post: June 9, 2010 9:26 AM by Handy Surya
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Just downloaded the latest updates and as usual nothing works once everything has been updated. Spent an hour going through all the reference errors etc... Finally got it to compile.

Now, once I publish it I get the following:

WebDesktop.NET - Unlicensed version
The system is unable to find the license needed to run this component.
For more information about the License Agreement of this component, please visit Intersoft Website or send email to Intersoft Accounts Dept
Check lists: * Make sure you entered correct license key (not RuntimeLicenseKey) during Installation. * License key is Case Sensitive.
Why does this happen, I have a valid license!
This crap happens everytime you guys have a new release or an update.
We use the same method for publishing through Visualstudio 2008 every time.
All the other tools we use have a project updater/converter to fix all the referential problems that occur in the project and Web.config. when versions change.
You guys just say "Here it is... Good Luck!"
We now have to revert to a previous version of our project to get our customer back on line and wait for a respnse from Intersoft.
The response will be: "I'm sorry your having a problem...did you try this...could you send us this information..."
Then I send the info...wait another day... try again.
Somehow this has bcome the norm for "Good Support"
Angry and frustrated.
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