Problem with Pivot-charts

1 reply. Last post: August 25, 2011 9:44 PM by Yudi
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I'm using Web UI Studio 2009 R2 SP1 assembly version 7.0.7200.402. I wanted to add Pivot charting to some WebGrids in my applicatoin. To test that I simply add:


in the web grid defination in my aspx page.

Then I run it and the pivot-icon is displayed in the bottom. When I press it the pivot frame is displayed except the graph it self. Instead of that a small "red x" is displayd like when a picture ref. is missing. If  right click the "red x" and select "Properties" I get:

Type: Not available.
Address (URL): http://localhost/C2NetDesktop/WPages/Profiler/ISChart.axd?imageId=7c4aa281-a500-4228-b30e-25dfaf4beff1&imageFileServer=undefined&imageFormat=

I have added reference to ISNet.WebUI.WebBrid.ISChartEngine.dll and dobble checked if it exist in the bin folder.

I have SmartResources registered correctly.

Every thing works fine except the graph is allways displayed as this "red x". What could be causing this prolem?

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