Problem with Memory/CPU using the danish language

1 reply. Last post: July 6, 2011 4:50 AM by Martin Lie
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We experienced a critical problem with one of our customers, that is using WebGrid 7   (version 7.0.7200)

The customer is a Danish customer and they have the Danish culture.

We are using IE8.


Opening the page containing the grid, the customer experienced several problems of performances, because the memory of IE started to increase after few seconds.

After using the Grid to input a position also the CPU started to work and arrived to 80-90%, without returning to 0%, also if nothing is done on the grid . The result was that after some minutes it was not anymore possible to work with the application, because the PC became blocked. The customer had to close IE to continue to work with the PC.

Doing an investigation in debug of the page, we have seen that the problem happens because the variable vab596 is equal to “”



if ((! &&v47451.xml =="")||( &&v47451.readyState !="complete")) return null; var v76f98 =ISXml.GetNode(v47451,"//" +v6b933); if (v76f98) { ve5e73 =v76f98.text; } } return ve5e73; }; this.GetLoadedText =function(vcf799,vf9285,vd9432) { var vab596 =""; var v82211 =false; try { if (this.IsClassicPaging()) vab596 =this.GetString("CommonText/PagingStatus"); else vab596 =this.GetString("CommonText/Loaded"); if (vab596 ==null ||vab596 =="") v82211 =true; } catch (e) { v82211 =true; } if (v82211) { var vc5549 =this; setTimeout(function() { vc5549.GetLoadedText(vcf799,vf9285,vd9432); },100); return; }



Using the application in English it works correctly, but the customer must use the application in Danish.

It is a real critical issue for our customer.

Please, send us a solution to this problem as soon as possible.



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