Print complete webgrid data only

1 reply. Last post: October 8, 2015 10:06 AM by Arief Handany
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Is there any features to print only the complete grid data without exporitng the data in excel or csv?

 I am in need to have a menu-option of print from within the grid that prints the complete grid data.

I had chat conversation with your support team(Jolis and Arief) they  suggest to set AllowPrint to in Webgrid layout. 

As My requirement is need to print all webgrid data, I disabled the paging and loaded all the records(around 10000).

once I hit the print command from webgrid it takes too much time to print the data into pdf(for testing) and following problem(attached) in print layout:

1. First column is not rounding properly, it is cutting.

2. Some blank space after rows.

3. overlapped the data.

all the above issue you can see in attachement. 

waiting for your reply ASAP.


Rupesh Shakti

(Software Engineer)

1 attachment
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