Pending changes aren't recognized when using VistaCalendar

13 replies. Last post: April 23, 2012 5:35 AM by Handy Surya
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We have a problem with the VistaCalendar CustomEditor.

If we use the following line of code in our WebControl the data changes made in this kind of column aren't recognized by the batch update mechanism (0 pending changes). So changes aren't saved.

<ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="SOLL/IST-T." HeaderTooltip="SOLL/IST-Termin" DataMember="Meilenstein_IstTermin"
DataType="System.DateTime" DataFormatString="dd.MM.yyyy" Name="Meilenstein_IstTermin"
Width="85" CustomEditorName="VistaCalendar" EditType="Custom">

When using 'EditType="CalendarDropdown"' instead of 'CustomEditorName="VistaCalendar" EditType="Custom"' the changes are recognized correctly (1 pending change).

We use WebGrid 7 Version 7.0.7200.417.

Do you have an idea how to solve this problem?

Thanks in advance!


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