Overwrite GroupRowInfoText?

1 reply. Last post: February 24, 2010 2:25 AM by Yudi
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place DanielMember

I am trying to write a value into a group header for a column that is not the first column in the group header. I can't get access to any column other than the first one. In the case below, I want to total mMarketValue which is the 8th column in the grid, but I can only overwrite the GroupRowInfoText  for the first cell e.row.cells(0).GroupRowInfoText. Is this even possible?  We're trying to put the group totals at the header row instead of the footer row. I'm close, if only I can set header values for each column. 

Select Case e.Row.Type Case RowType.GroupHeader For Each r As WebGridRow In e.Row.Children If r.Type = RowType.Record Then

mkt += CType(r.Cells.GetNamedItem("mMarketValue").Value, Double)

colPosition = r.Cells.GetNamedItem("mMarketValue").Position


End If Next r

e.Row.Cells(colPosition).GroupRowInfoText = "testing: " & mkt

"testing: " & mktEnd Select
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