LoadTablesStructureFromXml - Sample XML File?

3 replies. Last post: February 16, 2010 8:05 PM by Yudi
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See attached for a sample xml file that I'm trying to use for the LoadTablesStructureFromXml function. I can't locate a sample anywhere in the tutorials/samples/forums, etc. I'm trying to create XML files to store the columns for various dynamic grids. With the attached, I get the below error. Is there a sample XML file somewhere that I can use as a template?  Thanks in advance!


Protected Sub WebGrid1_PrepareDataBinding(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.DataSourceEventArgs) ''set the sorting in here Dim ColumnSet As String = "" Dim columnList As ArrayList = GetReportColumns(True) Dim gridColumn As GridColumn If Page.IsPostBack = False Then


End If If Page.IsPostBack = False Then With reportGrid.RootTable




End With End If reportGrid.LoadTablesStructureFromXml(Server.MapPath("../Layouts/Holdings.xml"))




'iswebgrid' is an undeclared namespace. Line 1, position 2.

1 attachment
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