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Hi All,
Please let me know how to implement print functionality.
I have attached the sample, in this sample i have integrated the print icon to the status bar on click of that icon, I am Exporting to HTML. After Exporting to HTML i want the print dialog box should open.
function PrintGridData(gridId) { var WebGrid2 = ISGetObject(gridId); WebGrid2.ExportGrid(WebGrid2.RootTable.Id, "HTML", "PORTRAIT"); //window.print(); }
Please give if any alternative way of doing.
Ganesh Nayak K
Hello,Basically, this printing scenario (code for printing) is beyond Intersoft control itself.However, I will try to help you to find a work around for this printing scenario.I try to modify one of WebGrid Samples, EnableExporting.aspx page.In this page, I add OnExport server side event in the WebGrid and then I add a line of code to set the ReportName property.Here’s the example code:
protected void WebGrid1_Export(object sender, ISNet.WebUI.WebGrid.ExportEventArgs e){ e.ReportInfo.ReportName = "EnableExportingPage"; }
Next, I add OnAfterResponseProcess client side event to handle the printing scenario.Here’s the code:
function printWindow() { var printWin ="./TempReports/EnableExportingPage.html"); if (printWin == null) { setTimeout(printWindow(), 500); } else { printWin.print(); printWin.close(); } } function WebGrid1_OnAfterResponseProcess(gridId, action, lastRequestObject, xmlResponseObject) { if (action == "Export") { printWindow(); } }
I attached the modify EnableExporting.aspx page as well. Please kindly add the page to the WebGrid Solution Samples, to see the result.Thank you.Regards,Hans K.
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