How to reconfigure 'Enter Key' in WebGrid 7 to simulate the functionality of MS Excel

1 reply. Last post: April 8, 2010 10:51 PM by Glenn Layaar
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Gaurav DesaiMember

Hello All,

We are using WebGrid 7 in SharePoint WebPart where we are rendering the grid programatically.

We wanted to reconfigure the "Enter Key" to perform the same action as it happens in MS Excel. I discovered some code to reconfigure Enter key fucntionality in the and modified the same according to my requirement.

But the problem with this is that when we press "Enter Key" on any cell the focus goes to the cell below the current one and the new cell gets selected. But if we want to enter the data in the new cell, we will have to press Enter key once again or click on the focused cell.

When I hit enter cell below the current cell should automatically become editable.

Any help on this would be much appreciable.



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