Hover Popup Menu Over Template Cell

3 replies. Last post: August 8, 2011 5:06 AM by Riendy Setiadi
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I'm interested in displaying a simple hover menu (as a div/asp:panel) over cells in a TemplateColumn to display multiple hyperlinks for further navigation.  Has anyone ever done this before with the WebGrid, and if so, is there any advice as to the approach to take?

I've tried using the AjaxHoverMenuExtender, but anytime I add a panel to the celltemplate during the InitializeRow event, I end up with an empty grid.  Simply adding a literal, label, or a hyperlink control seems to work, but I can't embed a dynamic panel nor the AjaxExtender.

Is there a way to implement a hover menu when a user mouses over the contents of a specific cell?



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