Hierarchical Grid, how to refresh the data of the child table?

8 replies. Last post: November 17, 2010 9:25 PM by Yudi
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I have an Hierarchical Grid with one Child table.

The rootTable has a DataMember filled by a storedProcedure and I use for this Datasource

a FilterExpression attribute and a FilterParameters tag:

<asp:ControlParameter PropertyName="Text" Name="invoicenumber" ControlID="TextBox1"></asp:ControlParameter>

The child Table has a DataMember filled by a storedProcedure which has as input parameter

a ControlParameter:

<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="TextBox2" ConvertEmptyStringToNull="True"
DefaultValue="" Name="productnumber" PropertyName="Text" Type="String" />

So the stored procedure use this parameter to make the query.

I added a button on my application and inside the Button event I put this code to refresh the data:


So the data of the root table is refreshed but the data of the child table no.


The same thing if I remove the ControlParameter for the DataMember used for the childTable

and use I FilterExpression attribute and a FilterParameters tag.

So how to refresh the also data of the ChildGrid for a Hierarchical Grid?

Thanks in advanced.

Best regards,

Daniele Barbini

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