HTTP 403: The website declined to show this webpage

5 replies. Last post: November 28, 2009 11:58 AM by Veenu Munjal
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Veenu MunjalMember


I'm using WebUI 2008 R2 SP2 and the issue has been reported today on production system being setup. I open any page and WebGrid is all fine, but I click on Sorting/Paging/Download/Client-side reloading and I get this error:

The website declined to show this webpage   HTTP 403 

Most likely causes:
- This website requires you to log in. 
What you can try: 
  -   Go back to the previous page.
     More information

This error (HTTP 403 Forbidden) means that Internet Explorer was able to connect to the website, but it does not have permission to view the webpage.

For more information about HTTP errors, see Help.
The strange thing is that if I make an Remote Desktop on the Production Server, I don't get this issue, but this occurs only when application is accessed via cloud. No error logged in any eventviewer or anywhere else! (same verified by the client too)

One thing I can notice is that there is a JS error when accssing webgrid is accessed from cloud:

' is null or not an object', if this has anything to do with the issue (it is not there on RDP)


Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'd like to add that I got this issue today only on my machine also after a solution done as per a different discussion in the thread "'LayoutSettings.SizeHeightBy' is null or not an object"

Being on Production now, this is really very-2 high priority to know the reason atleast.

Thanks in advance!

Best Regards,

Veenu Munjal

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