Grouping 3 level raise javascript exception 'null' is null or not an object

1 reply. Last post: March 13, 2011 11:44 PM by Handy Surya
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Huy Member

Hi Yudi,

Can I ask how many level can webgrid supporting for grouping column?

My previous post is about how to group paging with client binding and ADO.NET

Now I can do that with DataTableConverter.ConvertFrom(dt). But again new problem has come. When I have 3 or more columns grouping, as the time I expand the 3rd level node the javascript exception appear 'null' is null or not an object (see the attach image). Debugging in webservice get data show me that data return successfully.

Do I miss something or is this a bug of webgrid?

Please see my attach sample and response to me asap. It take me too much time and too much trouble for using this function.



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