Filterbar in Heirarchical Grid

3 replies. Last post: January 10, 2012 10:09 PM by Yudi
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Madhavan GMember

Hi there,

we have a control called Form DataGrid. For this we are using Intersoft webgrid (7.0.7200.401).

i want know how can we enable filter option for all levels. Currently i can see filter option is enabled for root level not in child level for my control. Is there property i have to set to enable the filter option in all child levels or is this the default behavior (filter option is only for root level).

And also i would like to make note that in one of the live demo i saw in your site regarding Heirarchical webgrid - there also filter option was enabled only in root level.

Please reply to this at the earliest as i have an issue on the same to resolve on high priority.

Thank you.

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