Error While retaining Expanded group row state when the number of records exceed VirtualPageSize

6 replies. Last post: July 9, 2012 9:41 PM by Hans Kristian
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sigma sigmaMember

Hi All,

 when I have the number of records more then VirtualPageSize(in my case 32) in a grid i have a java script error when i tray to retrive Expanded Grouped rows  when row index is upper then VirtualPageSize(in my case 32) .

 i used this function to retaining the Expanded Grouped rows.

function WebGrid1_OnAfterResponseProcess(controlId, actionName, lastRequestObject, xmlResponseObject) {var WebGrid1 = ISGetObject(controlId);

if (actionName == "Refresh" || actionName == "ColumnSort") {

if (expandedGroupNodes != null) {

var splitResult = expandedGroupNodes.split(";");

for (var i = 0; i < splitResult.length; i++)

WebGrid1.RootTable.GetRowByGroup(0, splitResult[i]).ExpandGroupRow();}}

return true;


see attached file .

Is there any solution to this issue?

Best regards


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