AutoIncrement of KeyField giving problem in child tables

8 replies. Last post: June 9, 2010 12:20 PM by Handy Surya
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I want to perform Batch Update in Hierarchical WebGrid when attaching WebGrid to CustomObjects.

Everything works fine accept that i want the DataKeyField of ChildTables and RootTable to AutoIncrement itself when user adds a  new record into it.

The WebGrid doesn't seem to recognise the AutoIncrement property assigned to DataKeyField column and adds an empty string as id when adding a new rows. And i am not allowed to enter more then 1 record into the WebGrid due to empty string being given as DataKey on first row add.

This problem doesn't seem to occur in RootTable. Only ChildTables has this error.

Can you please tell what i am doing wrong here???

Note: I have attached the aspx file that i am using in which i am facing a problem and also i have attached a image file to display the error that i recieve while adding a new row.



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