Issue with showing multiple dates in a webcalendar

3 replies. Last post: May 9, 2012 5:02 AM by Hans Kristian
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Sachin JainMember


I am trying to show various random dates on the calendar ( For example 7/1/2008, 7/7/2008, 7/10/2008, 8/12/2008 etc) in a web calendar. When I set the SelectedDate property of the web calendar it only selects one date in the calendar. I have also tried using SelectedDates property to set multiple dates. But in this case only the first date is highlighted on the calendar. Is there a way by which I can show multiple dates highlighted in the calendar.

Here is how the code looks like:

<ISWebEssentials:WebCalendar ID="WebCalendar1" runat="server" Height="560px" Width="800px" CalendarItemHeight="178px" NumberOfCalendarDisplayed="12"
               ShowWeekNumbers="false" EnableMultipleSelection="true" EnableKeyboardSupport="true" WeekViewMode="WorkWeek"
               HighlightTodayDate="False" HighlightMode="Day" AllowDefaultStyleMerging="false">


C# backend code to show multiple dates on the Webcablenar

DateTime TestDate = new DateTime("2008-07-01")

WebCalendar1.InitialDisplayDate = TestDate;

//WebCalendar1.SelectedDate = TestDate;


for (DateTime MyDate = TestDate.AddDays(2); MyDate < this.AppDatabase.CurrentDateTime.AddDays(17); MyDate = MyDate.AddDays(1))


WebCalendarSelectedDates SelectedDate = new WebCalendarSelectedDates();

SelectedDate.Date = MyDate;






All times are GMT -5. The time now is 7:08 AM.
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