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I am getting an error that Internet Explorer cannot open the Internet site for the page when using a web panel. It only happens some of the time. Sometimes the page comes up with no errors. Here is a snippet of code that we are using to load the page. I am also attaching a screenshot of the error.
<ISWebDesktop:WebPaneManager ID="WebPaneManager1" runat="server" Height="92%" Width="100%">
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BackColor="White" GradientType="Vertical" Overflow="Hidden" Cursor="Hand">
<ISWebDesktop:WebNavBar CaptionDisplayMode="Text"
Name="MyWork" Text="My Work" Image="/images/help/reviewchanges.gif">
<ISWebDesktop:WebNavBarItem DisplayMode="Text" Text="Recently Opened" Name="MainMRU.aspx" />
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function OnActiveBarChanged(id, bar) {
var navPane = ISGetObject("WebNavPane1");
var navBar = navPane.GetActiveBar();
NavPane_BarItemClick(id, bar.GetActiveBarItem());
function NavPane_BarItemClick(id, barItem) {
var paneMgr = ISGetObject("WebPaneManager1");
var dtlPane = paneMgr.GetPaneByName("paneDetails");
var appName = barItem.Parent.Text;
I have tried your code, but it gets error when I run the sample. It looks like you are using a page called MainMRU.aspx, but I don't have that sample.
Could you provide that sample so that I could investigate further for your issue?
Thank you.
You can actually create a blank page named MainMRU.aspx. The page does not even have any code in it. The problem is that sometimes the page will load and sometimes we will get the error that "cannot open internet site."
Unfortunately, I was unable to replicate your issue on my end. The code that you provided in the docs file is working fine.
Could you check your WebDesktop build version and ensure that you have used the latest one?
My WebDesktop build version is 3.0.7200.324 and WebUI Framework version is 3.0.5000.770.
Please get the latest one using Update Manager if you haven't done so.
Yes, the error only happens some of the time. We were able to fix the problem by upgrading to IE 8. Our application needs to support IE7 as well....we need to continue to debug this and figure out why it does not work all the time with IE7.
The problem is that this issue cannot be replicated on my end. Therefore, I'm not sure this error occurs due to our control or the IE7 browser itself.
If the sample works fine in IE8, it could be IE7 is the caused of this problem.
Hope this helps.
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