WebMenuBar if confirm click then action

2 replies. Last post: December 12, 2011 6:49 PM by Adam Potomski
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I have problem with WebMenu. I add item with tag "close". i want to write function that if the user click this buton i show confirm dialog and if true i close the application i other case i back without action. I have write function that works when i open the target location but i can't cancel click action. How can i this doing? Behind my function.

function MainMenu(Param2) {
    switch (Param2.Name) {
        case "start":
            window.location = "Default.aspx";
        case "close":
            if (confirm("Are you sure? ")) {
                return true;
            } ;
            Param2.Pushed = false;

Thank you for help

regards Adam

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