WebDesktop WebExplorerPane autoresize items

3 replies. Last post: January 20, 2010 9:40 PM by Andi Santoso
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I am using on my "Search List" page  WebExplorerPane and Webgrid (full_view.png).

After hiding  search parameters  in first  WebExplorerPane item (hidden_search_parameters.png) I expect that the second item with webgrid autoresize to full height of page. It doesn't happen.

Second item of WebExplorerPane move up without resizing (second_item_continer_view.png). In attached file  second_item_continer_view.png I bordered second  item container using developer toolbar.

Please, could you suggest me any solution how  auto resize item with webgird.

I attached also file aspx_file_part.zip with code.




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