Custom Images in WebDialog Box

12 replies. Last post: September 21, 2011 5:04 AM by Handy Surya
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Beryl BucherMember

I feel fairly stupid for not being able to get this working, but I'm feeling frustrated at this point.


I want my own images for the web dialog box, so I

a.  Created images & put them in a subdirectory Images\Custom

b.  Changed the images directory to ImagesDirectory="~/Images/"

c.  Changed the preview to reference these.


I have played with what seems like a million different ways to reference the pics.  They work in deploy now, but not development.


Any help is appreciated!


Below are the two relevant bits:


 function wdbPreview_BeforeCreated(id, dm) {
            var dlg = ISGetObject(id);
            var wndSet = dlg.WindowSettings;
            var imgSet = dm.ImagesSettings;

            dm.UseWebResourcesForClient = true;
            wndSet.BorderType = "ComplexImages";

            with (imgSet) {
                CaptionCenterActive = "../images/custom/center_active.gif";
                CaptionLeftActive = "../images/custom/left_active.gif";
                CaptionRightActive = "../images/custom/right_active.gif";
                CloseActive = "../images/custom/close_active.gif";
                CloseDown = "../images/custom/close_down.gif";
                CloseInactive = "../images/custom/close_inactive.gif";
                CloseOver = "../images/custom/close_over.gif";
                InProgress = "../images/custom/ProgressIndicator.gif"

            return true;
         <ISWebDesktop:WebDialogBox ID="wbDialog" runat="server" Height="300px" Width="520px"
            EnableViewState="False" ShadowColor="dimgray" 
            ControlBoxImage="../images/Help20px.png" DialogBoxImage="Information" 
            <WindowSettings ContentMode="UseIFrame" ControlBox="Yes" AllowResize="Yes">
                <ContainerStyle BackColor="White" Font-Names="segoe ui,tahoma" Font-Size="9pt" Height="300px"
                    Width="100%" VerticalAlign="Top">
                    <Padding Bottom="4px" Left="4px" Right="4px" Top="4px" />
                    <Active BorderWidth="3px" Height="300px" BaseStyle="Normal" VerticalAlign="Top">
                            <Top Width="0px" />
                    <Normal BackColor="White" Font-Names="Segoe UI, Tahoma" Font-Size="9pt" BorderColor="#CCCCCC"
                        BorderStyle="solid" Overflow="Auto" OverflowX="Auto" OverflowY="Auto" 
                    <Over VerticalAlign="Top">
                    <Active BackColor="Transparent" BaseStyle="Normal">
                    <Normal Font-Names="Segoe UI, Tahoma" Font-Size="10pt" Cursor="default" BackColor="Transparent">
                        <Padding Bottom="2px" Left="2px" Right="2px" Top="3px" />
                    <Active BaseStyle="Normal" BackColor="#8A887B" ForeColor="White">
                    <Over BaseStyle="Normal" BackColor="#C5C2AF">
                    <Normal BackColor="buttonface" BorderColor="threeddarkshadow" BorderWidth="1px" BorderStyle="solid"
                        Font-Names="Tahoma" Font-Size="8pt">
                <CommandButtonDisabledStyle Font-Names="Tahoma" Font-Size="8pt" BackColor="buttonface"
                    BorderColor="threeddarkshadow" BorderWidth="1px" BorderStyle="solid" ForeColor="Gray">
            <ClientSideEvents OnBeforeCreated="wdbPreview_BeforeCreated" OnClosed="wdbPreview_Closed" />

Thank you,



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