Webcombo is not using all available space

1 reply. Last post: May 9, 2016 3:54 AM by Erwin Sanders
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Sachin JainMember
     We have some dynamic pages where on runtime webcombo is added on page from codebehind.  For some reason webcombo width is not using full td width although webcombo's width is set to 100%. Td width is also defined and other controls like asp textboxes  utilize whole available space. Markup is like this

<td nowrap="nowrap" style="width: 73%;">
<xml id="wcombo_1_x">
<!-- [CDATA[<WebCombo DataValueField="Value" DataTextField="Text" HasDataSource="False" UseDefaultStyle="True" UseCssFramework="False" ServerUniqueID="wcombo_1"

UseWebResourcesForScript="True" UseWebResourcesForClient="True" ViewStateItems="BehaviorAndCollection" xmlInputHiddenUniqueID="wcombo_1:wcombo_1_h" RenderingMode="HTML5"><LayoutSettings

ResultBoxStyle="WC4-RB" StatusBoxStyle="WC4-SB" ResultFrameStyle="WC4-RF" HeaderStyle="WC4-H" ColumnStyle="WC4-C" SelectedRowStyle="WC4-SR"

ScriptDirectory="/CommonLibrary/WebCombo/V7_0_7200/" TextBoxMode="ReadOnly" ResultBoxWindowType="Normal" EnableAnimation="True" ColumnSeparatorColor="154, 198, 255"><RowStyle Normal="WC4-

Row-N" Over="WC4-Row-O" Active="WC4-Row-A" /><ClientSideEvents OnLostFocus="DynamicWebCombo_OnAfterItemSelected" /><TextSettings /><FrameStyle Normal="wcombo1-LayoutSettings-FrameStyle-

Normal" Over="wcombo1-LayoutSettings-FrameStyle-Over" Active="wcombo1-LayoutSettings-FrameStyle-Active" /><TextBoxStyle Normal="parameterValue" Over="parameterValue" Active="parameterValue"

/><DropDownStyle Normal="WC4-DD-N" Over="WC4-DD-O" Active="WC4-DD-A" /><MoreButtonStyle Normal="WC4-More-N" Over="WC4-More-O" Active="WC4-More-A" /></LayoutSettings><LinkSettings

/><MultipleSelectionSettings Enabled="True" /><MultipleTexts><![CDATA[Avg Inventory; Avg Inventory Cost; Back Order Cost; Gross Profit; Dos; Cycle Time; Cogs; Avg Inventory On Hold;

]]></MultipleTexts><MultipleValues><![CDATA[Avg Inventory; Avg Inventory Cost; Back Order Cost; Gross Profit; Dos; Cycle Time; Cogs; Avg Inventory On Hold;

]]></MultipleValues><IntegrationSettings /><FlyPostBackSettings /><Columns><WebComboColumn BaseFieldName="Text" Width="100%" Bound="False" Name="Text" /><WebComboColumn HeaderText="Value"

Position="1" BaseFieldName="Value" Width="100px" Hidden="True" Name="Value" /></Columns></WebCombo>]] -->
<div style="float: left;">
<div class="wcombo1-LayoutSettings-FrameStyle-Normal" id="wcombo_1_f" style="width: 100%; overflow: hidden; vertical-align: middle; float: left; position: relative;" browser="ie">
<div class="WC4-DD-N" id="wcombo_1_search" style="text-align: center; overflow: hidden; float: right;" hidefocus="hidefocus"/>

If I change <div style="float: left;width: 100%;"> using F12 then it occupies whole available width but do not know what to put in page for  css to force webcombo div to use width 100%. May be there would be another way! Can you suggest a way to make changes in setting so that it can use whole td's width.

I added desired and current screenshot!


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