WebCombo layout issue

1 reply. Last post: January 12, 2010 5:07 AM by Glenn Layaar
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2 questions (use attached txt file = aspx for demo):

1. As there is no CssClass property on WebCombos, I need to set the Width="100%" on WebCombos in order to be able to define the width in the stylesheet.

e.g. <

<div style="width:400px"><is:WebCombo ID="WebCombo2" runat="server" UseDefaultStyle="True" Width="100%" /></div> When I do so, the WebCombo's width shrinks on mouse over!!! 

Do you have any other solution to avoid this using style?


2. I had the same kind of layout issue as http://www.intersoftpt.com/Community/WebCombo/Webcombo-inside-Webtab/

using a javascript collapsible panel (style.display = 'block' / 'none') containing WebCombos, resulting in unsuable WebCombos...

However, the "solution" provided looks more like a work-around than a real fix and this kind of issue is definitely a bug for me as I still need to use javascript DoResize method to fix it.

Do you have any other solution allowing me to use my collapsible panel without calling DoResize() on each WebCombo?


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