Urgent - WebCombo Text/Value Changes After ValueChanged Postback

2 replies. Last post: January 20, 2011 11:50 AM by Handy Surya
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Alex HMember


I have a WebCombo control bound to a DataSet.  I am manually initializing the WebCombo datasource after 3 characters are provided using a method to retrieve a DataSet.

The WebCombo is initializing the datasource just fine - I am able to type into the Person WebCombo and it properly filters the results as I type.

I am running into problems, however, after postback.  On postback, the value of the WebCombo is reset to "Jane Doe" every time.  What must I do to assure that my WebCombo SelectedRow/Value isn't lost upon Postback?


Attached are 2 samples.  Please look at the wcPersonName web combo, as that's the one I am having problems with.

In my second attempt (Links2.aspx), I also implemented WebFlyPostbackManager.  This resolved the problem of the SelectedRow changing upon postback (since there is no full post back), however after a button click, or any other postback, I get the error message that the Server Returned No Content

Please advise

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