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We have this critical issue that needs to be fixed ASAP please. When loading our "edit" pages that restore the form from the database, any WebCombo boxes that have their selected value that falls outside the default (initial) number of loaded items causes the "load more data" request to fail.
So if I pull down the combo box for the first time, it may load 100 of x rows. If the selected item is in the first 100 rows, then loading more data works fine. If the pre-selected item is anywhere above the first 100 (or whatever the initial load size is) then loading more data fails with either "no results found." or "1 of 1 retrieved."
I've attached an example that demonstrates this issue.
We've released our first version of the application which has this issue so we need a fix terribly quick since it's now in production. Thank you.
Hello Yousif,
I think this is not a bug or an issue. When bind WebCombo programmatically and using LoadOnDemand scenario, you could not hanlde with your current way. The problem is, the data has not loaded or not loaded correctly with your current way. Also, you bind WebCombo not in correct place. Please use InitializeDataSource, instead of Load event.To use LoadOnDemand scenario, you will need to handle your operation manually. This what is called by LoadOnDemand. Simply set AllowAutoQueryHandler property to false.By turning off this property, every time you click on DropDown and type a text, this event would be called.
Hello Handy,
It may not be a bug, but it's definitely an issue we need to resolve immediately please.
So are you saying we can't achieve what we need automatically by the WebCombo control? We'll have to write our own data load procedure? I hope that's not the case for such a simple and obvious feature that should be part of the default behavior of the control. Would you please modify my sample to show how this is done?
I'll change how the code is set up in the sample and let you know how it works. Also, what is "this event" that you refer to which will be called? I looked at all the events in WebCombo that can be overriden and did not find any event for LoadOnDemand.
What "LoadOnDeman" means is, user can load the data based on their needed or request. In this case, user should handle it manually which in WebCombo case, by disabling AllowAutoQueryHandler. By disabling the property, InitializeDataSource would be called everytime you click on dropdown or type any text in WebCombo. So, user can define its own query about how to load data effeciently in InitializeDataSource.
If you would like it to be handled automatically, please use datasource control (ISDataSource).
Okay, I figured as much. But I'm asking for details. As I requested, can you please provide an example by modifying my attached sample in my original post? Also, we can't change our entire infrastructure at this point for this simple thing we need that, in my opinion, the WebCombo should be able to do without the customer having to do customization. We've not used ISDataSource and our project is already in production so making such a drastic change isn't possible and we need a fix right away.
Please provide a sample of how you would handle using ISDataSource. As I've shown in many of my threads, our data is always generated dynamically so please provide a sample along those lines. Almost all the samples that are "out of the box" don't work for us because we don't use flat files for data or hard-coded lists. Everything comes from a SQL database and from stored procedures and not direct from any tables. Thanks.
If that so, we suggest you to turn off AllowShowAllRowsOnDropDown. We also have LoadOnDemand.aspx sample in our WebCombo samples by using ISDataSource. FYI, you can also use CustomObject or even StoreProcedure in ISDataSource.You can also see that in LoadOnDemand scenario, AllowShowAllRowsOnDropDown would be ignored even though your turned it on.
We don't have the luxuary of turning off AllowShowAllRowsOnDropDown as it's required for our implementation. Don't you think I've looked at the examples? They're not very helpful. You know the issue we have here and you can create a sample that more precisely targets our needs for this issue. Why do you seem so reluctant to provide a sample? Also, have you sent the request to development letting them know we need this feature? If not, can you please do so ASAP? We already have our application in production and need this taken care of. We can't be changing our entire architecture at this point in the game for something, as I already stated, the control should be able to do.
If you're not able to address this issue, then please escalate it to someone who can. Thank you.
Perhaps, you misunderstood what I said before. Forgive me for not explaining in detail.I could replicate your issue in here. However, this is not a bug. AlwaysShowAllRowsOnDropDown is not designed if you have many list in your WebCombo rows. It only supports if you have some list rows and want to show all together in the list when set the text/value.
In your scenario, this is not recommended to use the properties because it would be failed.Morelikely, it would best if you used LoadOnDemand scenario. If you check carefully, in LoadOnDemand, AlwaysShowAllRowsOnDropDown would be automatically ignnored even though this property is set.This is the correct behaviour. You can also see my attachment about how to implement LoadOnDemand via behind code.
But if you still want to show all the rows via the property, it seems you need to request this feature.
Thank you Handy. Yes, please, the behavior we need in this thread is rather urgent for us so the sooner you guys can add it the better. I'll take a look at your sample in the meanwhile and see if there's anyway we can implement a modification of any kind right now.
Any word from development on getting this feature implemented and how soon please? Thank you.
I haven't heard any update from our developer teams.
Has this been fixed?
As I said before this is not a bug. Your current scenario has been treated as Feature Request. Until now, I haven't heard if the feature request has been implemented. Perhaps, our developer have not decided to implemented it yet based on the priority.
I understand. I should have asked whether it's been added yet. You guys need to understand that we don't request fixes and features at OUR whim. These issues are important to our CLIENTS and need to be addressed. We depend on you for this so please add it since it's something our clients need. This IS a high priority for us so please make it a priority. We also still have many outstanding items that have NOT been addressed. What's being done about all those items? Some are over 2 years old and only 1 maybe 2 have been addressed.
You can let me know which one is critical that need to be fixed. I will keep to follow up.Regarding feature request, our developer teams still need to see the complexity of this feature. Currently, I have personnaly resent them an email to notify them. I will let you know when I got the certain answer for them.
Has this been addressed yet? If not, why not? This is impacting our customers since our product is in production so we need you to please escalate this if it hasn't been.
Unfortunately, it hasn't. As I said before our developer teams need to see from the complexity and priority before can give decision. I would again re-follow up this request to our developer teams.
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