Combining data source and manual entries

1 reply. Last post: January 27, 2010 12:27 AM by Handy Surya
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Ellen Member

Hi, I need to populate a webcombo using data source plus several manual entries. I cannot make both of them work: either manual entries are displayed or database entries, but not both.

How to display both types of data?

1. This is my code for using data source:

Private Sub wcboReportTechnique_InitializeDataSource(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ISNet.WebUI.WebCombo.DataSourceEventArgs) Handles wcboReportTechnique.InitializeDataSource
Dim connStr As String = Application("ConnectionStringR").ToString()
Dim cbo As New ComboBoxes
e.DataSource = cbo.Technique(connStr)
wcboReportTechnique.DataTextField = "Description"
wcboReportTechnique.DataValueField = "TechniqueID"
End Sub

2. This is a code for manual entries:

Dim wc As WebCombo = wcboReportTechnique
Dim column As New WebComboColumn
Dim row As New WebComboRow
Dim cell As New WebComboCell
cell.Text = "Any for Technique"
cell.Value = "-1"

Thanks, Ellen

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