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Posted: July 30, 2013 2:03 AM

Problem fixed.

Posted: July 29, 2013 5:49 AM

OK thanks, I found that the FilterExpression value has been changed from "[Name]" to "[0]", That the error come from. I just replace the [0] to [Name] and it's working fine.

Posted: July 29, 2013 4:53 AM

Thanks, In this case, whats the ItemTypeName value should be ?


Posted: July 26, 2013 12:22 AM


     Thank you so much for your help, the code is working prefectly fine.



Posted: July 25, 2013 12:49 AM

Hi Bernard,

     Thanks for your reply.

Below is some of my code sample:

The AdditionalSearchFields="" is working fine, but got error if i change it to AdditionalSearchFields="Name".

My webcomb code:

                        <ISWebCombo:WebCombo ID="wCombo1" runat="server" DataTextField="Code" DataValueField="ID" Height="22px " Width="200px" DropDownRows="20" AdditionalSearchFields="Name" AllowWildCardSearch = "True" DataMember="" AllowAutoPostback="True" BindingOperationMode="ClientBinding" UseDefaultStyle="True"> <Columns>

                            <ISWebCombo:WebComboColumn BaseFieldName="Code" HeaderText="Code" Name="Code"  width = "50"  />

                            <ISWebCombo:WebComboColumn BaseFieldName="Name" HeaderText="Name" Name="Name"  width = "50"  />

                            <ISWebCombo:WebComboColumn BaseFieldName="RefCode" HeaderText="R. Code" Name="R. Code"  width = "50"  />

                            <ISWebCombo:WebComboColumn BaseFieldName="Addr1" HeaderText="Addr1" Name="Addr1"  width = "200"  />

                            <ISWebCombo:WebComboColumn BaseFieldName="Remark" HeaderText="Remark" Name="Remark"  width = "200"  />


                            <LayoutSettings ComboMode="MultipleColumns" SearchIconMode="Graphic" SearchImage="Search_XPBlue.gif"><HeaderStyle BackColor="#4D6185" Font-Names="segoe ui,tahoma" Font-Size="8pt" ForeColor="White" BackColor2="199, 223, 255" GradientType="Vertical" Height="20px"><Padding Bottom="3px" Left="3px" Right="3px" Top="3px" /><BorderSettings > <Bottom Color="101,147,207" Style="solid" Width="1px" /><Right Color="AliceBlue" Style="solid" Width="1px" /></BorderSettings></HeaderStyle><DropDownStyle><Active BaseStyle="Over" BackgroundImage="url(/CommonLibrary/Images/DD4_Active.gif)" ></Active><Over BaseStyle="Normal" BackgroundImage="url(/CommonLibrary/Images/Vis_DDActive.gif)" ForeColor="#6C8DC7" CustomRules="filter: Alpha(opacity=100)"><BorderSettings><Left Color="40, 106, 155" Style="Solid" Width="1px" /></BorderSettings></Over><Normal Cursor="Hand" Font-Names="Arial" Font-Size="0pt" ForeColor="White" Height="20px" Width="16px" BackgroundImage = "url(/CommonLibrary/Images/Vis_DDNormal.gif)" CustomRules="background-repeat:no-repeat"><Padding Bottom="2px" Left="0px" Right="1px" Top="0px" /></Normal></DropDownStyle><TextBoxStyle><Active BaseStyle="Over"></Active><Over BaseStyle="Normal"></Over><Normal BackColor="Transparent" BorderStyle="None" BorderWidth="0px" CustomRules="background:transparent;background:transparent;background:transparent;background:transparent" Font-Names="segoe ui,tahoma" Font-Size="8pt" ForeColor="Black" Height="20px" Width="180px"></Normal></TextBoxStyle><ResultFrameStyle BackColor="White" BorderColor="Black" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1px"></ResultFrameStyle><ColumnStyle CustomRules="text-overflow:ellipsis" Overflow="Hidden" OverflowX="Hidden" OverflowY="Hidden"><Padding Left="3px" Right="3px" /></ColumnStyle><FrameStyle><Active BaseStyle="Over" BackColor="WhiteSmoke"></Active><Over BaseStyle="Normal" BackColor="WhiteSmoke" BorderColor="#4D6185"></Over><Normal BackColor="White" BorderColor="Gray" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1px" Height="20px" Width="200px"></Normal></FrameStyle><MoreButtonStyle><Active BaseStyle="Over"></Active><Over BackColor="#E9EBF4" BaseStyle="Normal" BorderColor="Silver"></Over><Normal BorderColor="White" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1px"></Normal></MoreButtonStyle><StatusBoxStyle BackColor="#4D6185" Font-Names="segoe ui,tahoma" Font-Size="8pt" ForeColor="White"></StatusBoxStyle><ResultBoxStyle Font-Names="segoe ui,tahoma" Font-Size="8pt"></ResultBoxStyle><RowStyle><Over BackColor="WhiteSmoke" BaseStyle="Normal"></Over><Normal BackColor="White" Height="20px"></Normal></RowStyle><SelectedRowStyle BackColor="#404040" Font-Names="Verdana" Font-Size="8pt" ForeColor="White" Height="20px" /></LayoutSettings>

                            <ClientBindingSettings DataSourceType="WebService" ServiceUrl="http://localhost:1406/WanTech_WebService/WTService.asmx">

                                <ServiceMethods SelectMethod="GetWClient" /></ClientBindingSettings>



My webservice code:

    <WebMethod> _

    Public Function GetWClient(ByVal selectArguments As ISNet.ClientServices.DataSourceSelectArguments) As QueryResult


            Dim context As dcWanTechDataContext = New dcWanTechDataContext

            Dim query As WebComboDataProvider(Of tbFil_Client) = New WebComboDataProvider(Of tbFil_Client)(context.tbFil_Client)


           Return query.Select(selectArguments)

        Catch ex As Exception


        End Try

    End Function

Thanks you sample.

In you sample, the grid web method will be changed according to the combo value.

But is it possible that to use the same method and only pass the value of the combo value to that method and update the grid?

E.g. The grid is a infomation of Students and the combo is a list of Class. If i select a Class, the grid will show the studend that belong to that Class.

Thanks a lot.

Thanks you sample.

In you sample, the grid web method will be changed according to the combo value.

But is it possible that to use the same method and only pass the value of the combo value to that method and update the grid?

E.g. The grid is a infomation of Students and the combo is a list of Class. If i select a Class, the grid will show the studend that belong to that Class.


Thanks a lot.

Thank you so much for your reply, but why i can't download the sample? is it the problem of my browser?

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