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Posted: February 9, 2015 4:46 AM

I'm sorry that I use your event code and it doesn't work.Could you give me a complete sample about this? thank you

Posted: September 1, 2014 4:33 AM

Thank you very much.I used your method and solved this problem

Posted: August 7, 2014 8:45 PM


My current WebGrid and ISNet is same as yours.

I run it in the IE11 in non compatibility mode environment not compatibility mode,is it caused the error?

My webgrid configuration is as belows:

<ISWebGrid:WebGrid ID="wg_technic_project_outlay" runat="server" Width="100%" Height="100%" RenderingMode="HTML5"
ScriptDirectory="../CommonLibrary/WebGrid/V8_0_7200/" SharedScriptDirectory="../CommonLibrary/Shared/"
DefaultStyleMode="Elegant" UseDefaultStyle="True" OnAddRow="wg_technic_project_outlay_AddRow"
OnInitializeDataSource="wg_technic_project_outlay_InitializeDataSource" OnUpdateRow="wg_technic_project_outlay_UpdateRow"
OnDeleteRow="wg_technic_project_outlay_DeleteRow" WebDesktopScriptDirectory="../CommonLibrary/WebDesktop/V4_0_7200/"
OnPrepareExportExecute="wg_technic_project_outlay_PrepareExportExecute" OnInitializeLayout="wg_technic_project_outlay_InitializeLayout">
<RootTable DataKeyField="f_id" Caption="科技项目费用信息表" AllowAddNew="Yes" DataMember="TTechnicProjectOutlay"
<ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="项目名称" DataMember="f_project_id" EditType="WebComboNET"
EditInfoText="选择项目名称" InputRequired="True" Name="f_project_id" Width="200px"
<ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="申请类型" DataMember="f_payment_type_id" EditType="WebComboNET"
WebComboID="wc_payment_type" Name="f_payment_type_id" Width="150px" EditInfoText="选择申请类型" InputRequired="true">
<ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="申请日期" DataMember="f_date" EditType="CalendarCombo" Width="100px" Name="f_date"
DataFormatString="yyyy-MM-dd" InputRequired="true">
<ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="申请金额" DataMember="f_apply_money" Name="f_apply_money"
DataType="System.Decimal" DataFormatString="c" Width="120px" AggregateFunction="Sum" InputRequired="true">
<CellStyle HorizontalAlign="Right" Padding-Right="5px">
<Padding Right="5px"></Padding>
<FooterStyle ForeColor="#CC0000" />
<ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="审批金额" DataMember="f_approve_money" Name="f_approve_money"
DataType="System.Decimal" DataFormatString="c" Width="120px" AggregateFunction="Sum" InputRequired="true">
<CellStyle HorizontalAlign="Right" Padding-Right="5px">
<Padding Right="5px"></Padding>
<FooterStyle ForeColor="#CC0000" />
<ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="审批说明" DataMember="f_reply" Name="f_reply" Width="200px">
<ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="备注" DataMember="f_remarks" Name="f_remarks" Width="200px">
<ISWebGrid:WebGridColumn Caption="项目名称" DataMember="project_name" Width="0px">
<LayoutSettings ScriptDirectory="../CommonLibrary/WebGrid/V8_0_7200/" HelpURL="../Help/h_webgrid.html"
NewRowLostFocusAction="AlwaysPrompt" PagingMode="VirtualLoad" ApplyFiltersKey="Enter"
AllowSorting="Yes" RowLostFocusAction="AlwaysPrompt" AllowColumnMove="Yes"
AllowFilter="Yes" AllowEdit="Yes" CellPaddingDefault="1" AllowAddNew="Yes" VerboseEditingInformation="True"
AllowDelete="Yes" AllowExport="Yes" AllowGrouping="Yes" HideColumnsWhenGrouped="No" AutoWidth="True">
<ClientSideEvents OnBeforeDelete="wg_technic_project_outlay_OnBeforeDelete" />
<ImageSettings SortDescImage="SortAsc.gif" SortAscImage="SortDesc.gif" Folder="../CommonLibrary/Images/"></ImageSettings>
<TextSettings LocalizationFolder="../CommonLibrary/WebGrid/V8_0_7200/Localization/"
Language="UseCulture" UseLanguage="wglang_zh-CN.xml">
<ClientSideEvents OnRowValidate="wg_technic_project_outlay_RowValidate" OnBeforeDelete="wg_technic_project_outlay_BeforeDelete" />
<ScrollBarStyle ArrowColor="75, 0, 130" BaseColor="244, 244, 244" DarkShadowColor="244, 244, 244"
FaceColor="195, 213, 253" HighlightColor="244, 244, 244" LightColor="195, 213, 253"
ShadowColor="195, 213, 253" TrackColor="244, 244, 244" />

Posted: July 31, 2014 5:01 AM


My current WebGrid version is WebGrid 8, version 8.0.7200.259

My webgrid configuration is in the attached file.

In this sample,you can see the webgrid with root table and child table.the form is shown by the modal window.when I want to show the child table detail,if the child table column is too long,the detail can't be shown all,and the horizontal scroll bar is not shown.

The wrong places are marked in the doc file.

Thank you.

Posted: July 16, 2014 1:48 AM

Thank you for your help.I take your advice and solve the problem.Thank you.

Posted: July 13, 2014 8:35 PM

Thank you very much for your help.I have solved the prolem.

I use your method and solve the problem.Deeply thanks for your help.

In my latest reply,I found an error using CalendarCombo In webgrid In HTML5 mode.It can only input the number but can't use the calendar control.So could you tell this bug to the research and develop team to fix it?Thank you


I apologize for the late response.

I use your opinion but when the program run at the sentence like " WebGrid1.RootTable.Rows.GetRowByKeyValue(keyValue.ToString()).Cells[3].Value.ToString() ",it called error.The WebgridRow object is null.The GetRowByKeyValue returns the webgridrow object,but it is null,Now I find why the error occurs.My webgrid has parent datamember and child datamember.When I select the parent rows ,this sentence is OK,but the child rows is wrong.So how can I get the child rows by GetRowByKeyValue?

By the way,I found an error in using webgrid in the latest version.The environment is that the webgrid is hierachical,in the childtable,there is a calendarCombo column,it can't work to select date in HTML5 mode,so please check it and fix the error as soon as possible,thank you

I am sorry that I don't explain the problem clearly.

I want to batch update in serverside click event,but the condition is that when I select several rows by webgrid row checker,how can I get the selected rows celltemplate value at serverside click event.

I can only get the selected row key values by this:            ArrayList selectList = wg_sys_function.GetTableByName("TSysFunction").GetCheckedRows();

But how can I get the selected row celltemplate value like radiobutton value.Thank you

Thank you for your help. I updated the WebDesktop and others,then it works well.

But another quesion appears and please watch the attack File.

The alert appears before the page show.

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