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Srikant Biswal Member
of 3
Posted: January 12, 2012 6:34 AM

Thank you for your support.

Posted: December 30, 2011 9:23 AM

Hi Yudi,

Thanks for the reply.

I have been looking into the code given in live sample version and I have been trying few things like, in the EventBound javascript function I added color to the event bar like this :-

function WebScheduler1_EventBound(controlId, evt) {
            var s = ISGetObject(controlId);
            var arr = new ISArray();
            var childArray = new Array();
            var startInfoArray = new Array();
            var endInfoArray = new Array();
            var year = 0;
            var month = 0;
            var day = 0;
            var sHour = 0;
            var sMin = 0;
            var eHour = 0;
            var eMin = 0;
            if (s.ViewSettings.SelectedViewMode == "Month") {
                var currentWeekDay = evt.StartTime.getDay();
                startInfoArray = evt.StartTimeInfo.split("|");
                endInfoArray = evt.EndTimeInfo.split("|");
                var sMonth = 0;
                var eMonth = 0;
                sMonth = parseInt(startInfoArray[1], 10);
                eMonth = parseInt(endInfoArray[1], 10);
                var arr2 = new ISArray();
                var endDay1 = parseInt(endInfoArray[0], 10);
                var endMon1 = eMonth;
                var endyear1 = parseInt(endInfoArray[2], 10);
                var vType = parseInt(evt.OriginalObject.ResourceID, 10);
                if (vType == 1) {
                    arr2.Add(new WebSchedulerDateRange(new Date(startInfoArray[2], sMonth, startInfoArray[0], startInfoArray[3], startInfoArray[4], 0), new Date(endyear1, endMon1, endDay1, endInfoArray[3], endInfoArray[4], 0), 2, "DateTime"));
                    var elements2 = s.GetCellElements(arr2);
                    var ScheduledColor = "#FF0000"
                    var div = evt.GetContentElement();          //** Event bar div
           = ScheduledColor; //** Set color to div

Now, I debuged the code and I found that "var div = evt.GetContentElement();" gave me a single div.

Don't know how to add three colors to a single div? That too have to be dynamic.

Looking forward to your response.


Posted: June 3, 2010 10:30 AM

Hi Yudi

     Thanks for the response.  may I know the version of the web scheduler dll in the above link 3.0.1000.5 is the similar you sent for first day of the week issue(

If the both are same then the context menu is still not working in IE7 inside frame.




Posted: June 3, 2010 8:17 AM

Hi Glenn,

   Thanks for the response. It is working. Can you please tell me how to prevent the click from the user. I mean when user clicked on the header no need to redirect them for newly created div.





Posted: June 2, 2010 6:10 AM

Hi Glenn,

    Thanks for your response. It is working fine for the day header color (on mouse over)

The snippet you provide there creating one more issue. In Week view when some one clicks on the day header the application redirected to Day view. But agter I applied the snippet , I got the redirection error.

When i clicked on the day header it throws an js error.  Please find the attachment.

Can you please help on this.




Posted: May 19, 2010 8:52 AM

Hi Glenn,


Thanks for the response. Please ignore my previous post. I had found out a work wround to achieve the header color for quarter and year view.




Hi Yudi,

    Thanks for the new hotfix. This hot fix resolved the issue.


Thanks and Regards


Posted: May 19, 2010 2:56 AM

Hi Glenn,


Thanks for the response. It is working fine in month view. Can you please suggest a solutions for Quarter view and Year view.




Hi Yudi,

   Thanks for the response. Please find the attacment images from the zip.

step1 : step1_pageload.jpeg when page loads

step2 : step2_OnClick_Forward.jpeg when some one clicked on the forward navigation button

step3 : step3_OnClick_Back_Navigation.jpeg when some one clicked on the back navigation button

step4 : step4_OnClick_21st_OnCalender.jpeg when some one clicked on the 21st date on the calendar


In all the above points everything fine. But when some one clicked any monday ex: 12th April 2010 from the calender, it displayed the wrong date range on the scheduler header.("step5_OnClick_12th_OnCalender.jpeg") error image.


I hope this helps to reproduce the wrong date range issue. If you still unable to  reproduce the issue, please feel free to contact me on skypee. My skypeeID : srikant.biswal 


Thanks and Regards



Hi Yudi,

       I am also facing the same problem. if you are not able to reproduce the issue, you can check the code from my previous post.(IE7 context menu issue inside an iframe )


Both code and databse are attached in the different zip. Let me know if this helps to reproduce the issue. Thanks in advance.


Thanks and Regards


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