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Scott French Member
of 4
Thanks for the reply, Yudi. If you go back you'll see I actaully referenced the "Event sequence of server side events" page of the documentation in my original post. My concern is not the sequence, but that the sequence for each control is called every time there is a FlyPostBack for just one control. We actually wrap a lot of our code in a !Postback condition but in this case it doesn't help. We're not actually doing anything in WebGrid1_Load, it it just the standard processing the grid does. It just seems to reprocess what is already there even though we never directlt call this method or do anything inside it.

Adding the 10 second delay was a way to emulate the delay we're seeing in a slow grid/combo, but it's not a result of any code we're running ourselves, we don't actually call WebGrid1_Load anywhere, just referenced it as an example here as it seems to be the spot where the grid slows down. The problem is it isn't code we control so there is no way to skip it.

WebGrid_Load is described as "Indication of successfully preparation of data binding process and data populating in all rows". I don't understand why this would need to occur every time a WebCombo does a FlyPostBack. If there is some way to avoid it please let us know.

Unless I missing something the logging you’ve setup only reflects the initial page load and misses the FlyPostBack actions we’re attempting to measure. Logging to a text file in the background is a simple way to get around that UI limitation.

There really isn't any data in the Northwind DB that is conducive to this kind of loading delay. In order to emulate the kind of delays we are seeing update WebGrid1_Load to include this delay.

    protected void WebGrid1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        TextBox1.Text += "WebGrid1_Load: " + DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + "\n";

Now run the page and attempt to access a WebCombo. We’re seeing a 10 second delay when attempting to load the WebCombo’s data. Why would a delay in the WebGrid processing also produce a delay in the WebCombo’s processing? This is why we are trying to figure out if a FlyPostBack for a single control will trigger processing for all Intersoft controls on the page. The 10 second delay is extreme but I think this helps illustrate how 1 or 2 poorly performing controls can severely affect the performance of every control utilizing FlyPostBack on the page. We’ve seen this type of behaviour on many pages. The simple answer is to make sure every control loads very quickly. In some instances this isn’t possible. In some other instances the per-control performance might be adequate but the sheer number of controls on the page means the total delay for FlyPostBack still ends up being too large.

I hope I’ve made this clear. I think you can understand what a serious problem this presents to an application's performance. In a perfect world every control responds very quickly, but if for some reason it's necessary for one control to respond slowly that control should not slow down the performance of other controls on the page.

Hi Yudi, I haven't had an opportunity to review your sample but I just wanted to clarify this example was for informational purposes only. We've been able to replicate the same basic issue in many places where the WebGrid contains a large, slow to process dataset. That goes for self-referencing hierarchy, grid with two levels, even standard one level grids with a lot of features and rows (per row processing, etc). The real issue is why does it slow down the combos? You should be able to replicate this with basically any grid setup where the data takes a noticeably long time to process. In my example the SQL call would take about .5 seconds and the time to process that data in the grid would be 8-10 seconds. We are using initialize datasource and a dataset, not linq or isdataset.

I assume someone on the tech side would be able to confirm my FlyPostBack finding as I assume this functionality would be well documented somewhere.


It would be great to get some feedback on this. I meant to put this in the WebGrid area, if anyone could move it over there I would appreciate it. Thanks!

Bernard, does the grid auto-detect/decide which datatype it's going to use for a column? I tried setting the DataType to "System.String" and even set ColumnType to "Text" but it didn't seem to help.

Posted: February 23, 2012 12:15 PM

Hi Yudi,

We weren't able to replicate in the samples either, maybe it has to do with SQL server or maybe some setting in the Scheduler we missed. I've created a new sample page and stripped out all of our custom code. We still get the error but it's slighly different now. This probably has more to do with pointing to data that has changed for the resources and not the changes in the page itself.

Here's the new version. The sample files have been attached.


Name cannot begin with the '^' character, hexadecimal value 0x5E. Line 1, position 42908.

I've put together a quick sample as this error has been very easy to replicate. Drop the four aspx files into a project running WebDesktop 308. Open the sample form page and click the test button. It should look like good.jpg. Do the same for a project running 324 and you will get something similar to bad.jpg. I can't confirm with 334 until we have a way to access that version.

Is there anyway to access this update without a new installation? We have 2009 R1 SP1 installed and have kept up to date using the Update Manager.

Hi Glenn,

For this page we are using InitializeDataSource and there is a large amount of code specific to our own custom DAL and security settings in this sub. Converting this page to use LINQ and a WebService would require a huge development effort that we did not anticipate. Do I understand the situation correctly? Is the only way to get Group Row Paging to work using LINQ/WebService as the datasource?

Scott French

Hi Handy,

The blog linked above has 4 main sections. "Preload Group Totals", "Group Row Paging", "Virtual Load Support For Web & WCF Service", and "WebGrid LINQ Data Provider". We are only interested in the first two at the moment. "Preload Group Totals" looks to be working when following the directions. "Group Row Paging" is what we are talking about. All we did was add the GroupRowPageSize="200" tag into the ClientBindingSettings area. I don't see any other instructions to get this working.

Scott French

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