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Rupesh Shakti Member
Posted: October 6, 2015 9:06 AM

Hi Yudi,

I have seen your print features in Webgrid as you mentonied in your above post.

but this is not printing the complete webgrid data as I expected.

Could you please give me solution for this.

Hi Yudi, Thanks for the quick reply. It worked as I expected. Thanks Rupesh Shakti

Hi Leo,

thanks for the reply.

When I added your javascipt code added into my project, getting error attached for the clearification.

i think this mehod [tempOnclick(menuItem);] is not available that's why it's chashed.

Please correct this and give me solution ASAP.


Rupesh shakti

Posted: October 15, 2014 12:02 PM

Hi Hans,

Thanks for the Reply but my explanation you did not get.

My qusetion is:

when my webgrid is binded through code behind(using e.datasource) and I am trying to filter something from filter section in the webgrid, It goes to server side.

Here I want to restrict the grid not to go server side filter on page itself.

Is it Possible?


Rupesh Shakti

Hi Hans,

I tried every approch what you explained me above but still unable to reach the solution.

I have bellow html text and bing grid from code behind.

<ISWebGrid1:WebGrid1 ID="WebGrid1" runat="server" RenderingMode ="HTML5" DefaultStyleMode="Elegant" Height="75%"
UseDefaultStyle="True" Width="100%" OnInitializeDataSource="UsageWebGrid1_InitializeDataSource"
OnPrepareDataBinding="WebGrid1_PrepareDataBinding" OnBatchUpdate="WebGrid1_BatchUpdate" OnInitializePostBack ="WebGrid1_InitializePostBack">
<LayoutSettings AllowAddNew="Yes" AllowBatchUpdate="True" AllowColumnMove="Yes" AllowContextMenu="true"
AllowEdit="Yes" AllowExport="Yes" AllowSelectColumns="Yes" AllowSorting="Yes"
AutoFitColumns="True" AutoHeight="false" EditOnClick="False" PagingMode="VirtualLoad" ColumnFooters="Yes"
NewRowLostFocusAction="AlwaysPrompt" AllowDelete="Yes" AllowFilter="Yes"
AutoFilterSuggestion="True" ShowFilterStatus="True" AllowGrouping="Yes" AllowMultipleSelection="Yes" PagingLoadMode="Automatic" PagingSize="50" >
<ClientSideEvents OnRowContextMenu="WebGrid1_OnRowContextMenu" OnRowValidate="WebGrid1_OnRowValidate" />
<BatchUpdateSettings AutomaticObjectUpdate="true" AllowReviewChanges="true" />

<ISWebCombo:WebCombo ID="ItemsWebCombo1" runat="server" AllowWildCardSearch="True"
DataMember="DefaultView" OnInitializeDataSource="ItemsWebCombo1_InitializeDataSource" Height="20px" UseDefaultStyle="True" Width="200px">
<LayoutSettings EntryMode="AutoComplete" AlwaysShowAllRowsOnDropdown="true">
<ISWebCombo:WebCombo ID="WebCombo2" runat="server" AllowWildCardSearch="True"
DataMember="DefaultView" OnInitializeDataSource="WebCombo2_InitializeDataSource" Height="20px" UseDefaultStyle="True" Width="200px">
<LayoutSettings EntryMode="AutoComplete" AlwaysShowAllRowsOnDropdown="true">

Please help me out.


Rupesh Shakti

Posted: September 24, 2014 10:32 AM
Hi Hans, Thanks you so much, It works for me now :-) Reagrds Rupesh

Hi Hans,

Thanks, you got the "Paste multiple from clipboard" at your end.

I am still getiing the smae issue.

I am using the same version you mentioned above.(see attached png file)

I also set the RenderingMode to HTML5.

I am using Internet explorer 10. which browser are you using?

Please help me out


Rupesh Shakti


I am getting default option "Paste multiple rows from clipboard" when allow to context menu into the grid.

Please keep updated webgrid so that you can get at your end too.

Please do the needfull.



Rupesh Shakti

Hi Hans,
Thanks for the reply in details(including video).
You got my issue correctly but at one place you missed while paste the row. what ever mentioned in your video, that is also working at my end.

1. Copy the row from the context menu option "Copy this row".
2. While paste, use "Paste multiple rows from clipboard" instead of "Paste from Clipboard".
3. You will get this("Paste multiple rows from clipboard") option when you will click on any other rows on grid instead of Add Row section.
4. Please use "Paste multiple rows from clipboard", which is causing issue at my end.
5. For this option , you can take reference for "grid.png" attached in above thread.


Rupesh shakti
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