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Ross Santos Member
of 2
Posted: February 16, 2011 6:26 PM

Jimmy, I found it.

My size of the control was Width="101" when I changed it to Width="110" it began to work.



Posted: February 16, 2011 9:49 AM


I have more info for you now.  What I neglected to tell you as well was that this control is on a UXTabControl.  If the UXDateTimePicker is on the first tab, the date populates as expected, but on subsequent tabs, it doesn't.  Changing the SelectedTab in XAML and re-running illustrates that as long as the tab is the SelectedTab in XAML that the UXDateTimePicker populates correctly.  I hope this helps you to ferret out this issue more concisely.

Posted: February 1, 2011 4:56 PM

Nope, still can't get it to work correctly.

Posted: January 16, 2011 4:04 PM



You were correct, the problem was that I am launching in a UXStackItem and didn't have a groupname or unique windowname property set.  The documentation for GroupName should be augmented to reflect the situation when using a UXStackItem within a UXDockButton.


Thanks again!



Posted: January 14, 2011 10:21 AM



The point of the video was to prove that by switching between a UXMaskedInput then to a UXTextBox without changing anything else, that the binding is working.  I will try something else until I can get it to work or fail and send you my results.



Posted: January 14, 2011 10:19 AM



That's great, thank you all!



Posted: January 13, 2011 11:53 PM


I will see what I can do, I may have to send the entire app to you which is huge.  Its very hard to break it up with a sample that illustrates this problem.  I really do believe that based on the video I sent that it is obvious that the textbox doesn't have an issue like the maskedinput, but, I understand, we are all developers here, and I have to prove something, which, if I can I will.  Or maybe, you can show me the errors of my ways. :)


Take care,



Posted: January 12, 2011 3:50 PM


It is not so simple to provide you with a sample, I tried it on the DF+IS ClientUI sample and it worked there, but for an odd reason it does work which I will explain...

In the sample app, the data is fetched before the Contact editor dialog is displayed, because of this, the binding in the Contact editor dialog works as expected.  However, in my app, which you will see in the attached video, the data is not fetched until that window is opened.  When it first displays, you will note that the field appears empty.  I could either (a) click on the field and it would appear or do as I did in this video, minimize and restore.  When it is restored, the data appears.  So, the binding from MS SQL, EF, DF to IS is working as expected, however, the control is not responding correctly.  Later in the video, I run a second time after changing the UXMaskedInput control to a UXTextBox control.  When the window appears this time, the data is seen immediately.  This proves it is not a binding problem witht the UXTextBox, so something is wrong with the UXMaskedInput binding architecture.

In the attachment is the xaml (highly commented out) and cs VM (highly commented out). 

To create the table:

TABLE [dbo].[ParticipantPhone](

[ParticipantPhoneID] [bigint] IDENTITY(0,1) NOT NULL,

[ParticipantID] [bigint] NOT NULL,

[HomePhone] [varchar](20) NULL,

[IsHomeSMS] [tinyint] NOT NULL,

[CellPhone] [varchar](20) NULL,

[IsCellSMS] [tinyint] NOT NULL,

[WorkPhone] [varchar](20) NULL,

[WorkExtension] [varchar](10) NULL, [IsWorkSMS] [tinyint] NOT NULL,

[OtherPhone] [varchar](20) NULL,

[IsOtherSMS] [tinyint] NOT NULL,

[Concurrency] [timestamp] NULL,



[ParticipantPhoneID] ASC



Insert 1 row into the table with a ParticipantID=1 and you should be able to reproduce the same problem.


I hope this helps?




Posted: January 12, 2011 9:05 AM

How do I obtain the hotfix?

Posted: January 12, 2011 9:03 AM


Your last paragraph is how I solved it in MVVM.  It would be handy however to have a property that fired BEFORE the collection was modified so we can intercept it.



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