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Olusola Adio Member

I had the same problem too with the Demos and I am based in the UK. Unfortunately, I cannot change the regional settings of my machine so other things dont get screwed up.

I am still evaluating for my colleagues and I really like the controls. I didnt want to abandon the controls so I decided to investigate the cause of the error myself. The treeview samples errored because of the american dates in the xml files, so I changed

            this._eventDateTime = x.Attribute("DateTime").Value != null ? DateTime.Parse(x.Attribute("DateTime").Value.Trim()) : DateTime.MaxValue;


             this._eventDateTime = x.Attribute("DateTime").Value != null ? DateTime.Parse(x.Attribute("DateTime").Value.Trim(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) : DateTime.MaxValue;

in Event.cs and a few other places like FileItem.cs, Email.cs & Task.cs and the treeview samples all worked for me.

Hope this helps.

All times are GMT -5. The time now is 12:45 AM.
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