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Daniel Jorge Member

Hi Yudi,

    How do I insert the Row in a specific position of the grid? Since mine's an hierarchical grid, the position of the row is very important for the underlying data oganization.

    Thank you

Hi Yudi, Thank you for your reply. The samples you provided are heavily loaded on JS programming. I will use it because that's the closest we got to what we wanted. However, ideally, we'd like all that done server side. Just like the ajaxToolkit works, inside an UpdatePanel and all. My developers are focused on C# and I don't want them having to learn JS for specific browsers in order to become productive. Thank you and I'll let you know if it works. D
For step #3 I found this article on the Web

However, the code's still not working fine. The WebContext Menu is showing on x=0,y=0.

So, for Chrome, the js of show_coords should be changed to
if( { x = event.screenX; y = event.screenY;} else { x = event.X; y = event.Y; }

So, Step #3 is pretty much taken care of. 
I'm removing the #1 requirements and adding and "Edit" option on the Context Menu. So, it's two down.

Focusing on Step #2 now.

-- I'll keep adding up as I discover new things.
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